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$209.10 USD
主要是S.W.R. (駐波比)和阻抗測量儀器(矢量阻抗分析儀)。
Main Features:
■ 2.2“精密液晶屏,高流明LCD亮度,在陽光直射下易讀
■ 重型鋁合金外殼,抗干擾能力強。
■ 非常輕便,方便日常使用
■ 內置可充電鋰離子電池
■ 全頻段控制(無需選擇頻段)
■ 設置簡單,只有四個控制按鈕,帶有方便的屏幕軟菜單
■ 電池狀態指示燈和自動關閉
■ 內置計時器顯示設備開啟後經過的時間
■ 高效率IC,低功耗,最長工作時間
■ 測量頻率跨度有更多選擇 。
■ 全屏一鍵快速掃描模式HF1,HF2,HF3或3頻段。
■ 自動標記最佳s.w.r.等級參考
Turn on and off the power
Turn on the power, Press and hold White button when the dot disappear
from left up angle ,. top Menu appeared on the screen.
Turn off the power, You have 2 method :
a)On Top Menu page ,Press and hold the White [F1 ] button at 5 second .
b)On Top Menu page , Rotary encoder on "Power off", Press the [F2 Enter]
Function Select
You can turn the knob select you want function and press [F2.Enter] button
In the Top Menu screen: Rotary encoder on "Scan", Press the [F2 Enter], to frequency mode measurement button, enter Scan (scan mode) screen.
2.1[Scan] mode page
Press [F.2 scan ],button to start the scan operation. During scanning, in order to make sure measurement accuracy, each frequency will stay for short while. one scanning cycle will take about 1-2 seconds.
Once SCAN is done, it will enter ”Present” mode (result) screen
You have results on the screen : Show the SWR curve only (because default setting SWR curve only , Zx curve, Rs curve Disable) You can Enable other curve on the screen:
On Top Menu page, Rotary encoder on "Zx", Press the [F2 Enter] to enable .
Other cure will Disable when Power Off , If want enable in the future, Rotary encoder on "Save", Press the [F2 Enter] to save setting .
2.2 1. lnfull (default SCAN range 0.56MHz -59.9MHz,span 62.1MHz )
* Long press to [SCAN ]and press [F3 UPDn] select "1.Infull",and then release the scan button.
2.lrnMk=(Learn marker move to center frequency)
* Long press to [SCAN ]and press [F3 UPDn] select "2.IrnMk",and then release the scan botton.
2.3 [View]
view the scan frequency point on the curve on each scan of the specific parameters of the measurement results.
- Press the [F3.View ] button to start the view operation mode. rotary encoder ,the white triangle curve marker is move
- Dot scale will display on-screen, Press bottom change the Dot scale,You have 3 options of Dot scale mode for choose,[Dot =x1] [Dot=x10][Dot= x25] . (230KHz,2.3MHz,5.8MHz)
SWR Full scale will display on-screen,Press bottom change the graphically plot SWR,You have 3 options scale mode for choose, [SWR=x2 ][SWR= x 0.5][SWR=x1] .(1-9,1-19,1-4.5)
2.4[ Quick 1] start Scan mode:
Quick view the scan frequency point on the curve on each scan
Press the button [Quick 1 ] to start the Quick 1 operation mode .You have 3 options scan mode for choose .
1)Press the button [F1. Scan 1 ] 0.5 to 27.3MHz can of the specific parameters of the measurement results.
2)Press the button [F2. Scan 2 ] 16.6 to 43.4MHz can of the specific parameters of the measurement results.
3)Press the button[F3. Scan 3 ] 33.6 to 60.0MHz can of the specific parameters of the measurement results.
3.0 ANTENNA TEST EXAMPLES (Single mode):
In the Top Menu screen: Rotary encoder on "Single", Press botton "F2" single frequency mode measurement button, enter single (single scan mode) screen.
a, Rotary encoder potentiometer enter the center frequency, the specific reference to the above operation "SCAN" sweep measurement mode descriptions.
b, Press the ”F2 scan", to start the scan for one time .
Single frequency mode provides a single frequency impedance measurement, the measured frequency of the basic parameters have been displayed on the screen. And
to indicate the form of bars and numbers displayed on the screen quickly.
The scanning one time , will stop, until you press the F2 Scan button or rotary encoder potentiometer enter the center frequency.
In this mode, it can be used as an accurate signal generator, please refer to RF out.
1 x SURECOM SA160 (ENGLISH VERSION) Colour Graphic Antenna Analyzer
1 x English User"s Manual
1 x Micro Usb Charger Cable
1 x AC Adapter 100-240V (Depends on your country)
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